Fnality International, HQLAᵡ & Adhara completed the first end-to-end test of a cross-chain repo trade settlement

It has been an exciting opportunity to bring the first standards-based, regulated DvP interoperability solution into production with Fnality International, HQLAᵡ and all involved.
Adhara’s Peter Munnings: “Being able to visualise the intraday, atomic settlement process (across two different ledgers) on Adhara’s DC Commander Trade View has showcased how powerful this instrument will be for Intraday Liquidity Managers.”
The testing showcases a trade-to-settlement cycle of an intraday repo across the Fnality Payment System (FnPS) and the HQLAᵡ Digital Collateral Registry, which bridges the distributed ledger technologies (DLT) of Enterprise Ethereum and R3’s Corda platform.
The successful E2E testing paves the way for the precise control and easy mobility of liquidity and collateral, ensuring the clearing of wholesale payments in minutes with unprecedented visibility and control. At the same time, it unlocks the ability to settle at a precise moment in time, thus laying the foundation for intraday markets.