Interbank Payments

A multi-bank network and scheme for cross currency payments with atomic settlement

Interbank Payments is a complete platform for interbank cross currency payments, providing real time payments orchestration, dynamic FX pricing and atomic settlement on CBDCs and commercial bank tokenized money.

Global Interbank Payments
Build your global multibank, cross border, cross currency payments network for banks to submit, receive and closely monitor payments on behalf of clients. Formed as a consortium and governed by a payments network operator through a multilateral scheme and rulebook.
Regional Interbank Payments
Build your regional payments network based on the same elements used for global payments network and including novel central bank-backed tokenized money constructs (CBDCs) led by central banks in the region.
For network operators
  • Ability to provide payments and FX orchestration services to participating banks, with payments created as real time digital objects with a unique status
  • Efficient and cost effective way to implement and enforce a multilateral scheme / rulebook
  • Connected to and able to leverage CBDCs and commercial bank backed tokenized liquidity (aka bank coins) as a means for atomic settlement
For the transaction bank
  • Real-time clearing and settlement of cross border, cross currency transfers with prioritized payments capability
  • Extended global reach, offering local termination through network
  • Fully transparent, streamlined payments orchestration without settlement risk and with unique, transparent status
  • Ability to efficiently develop and offer innovative treasury and payments solutions to corporate clients
For the bank treasury
  • A consolidated liquidity pool to avoid fragmentation and reduce overall liquidity needs, allowing intraday liquidity optimization across the banking group
  • Consolidated view of obligations for dynamic settlement, improved risk management and potential netting opportunities
  • Real-time, dynamic funding to reduce dependency on forecasting and cash pre-funding
For bank corporate clients
  • Global treasury visibility of balances and commitments
  • Real-time, on-demand treasury management through customizable cash pooling rules
  • Real-time payments instructed directly to the blockchain with all details known ex ante and immediate visibility of payment status
  • FX risk management
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